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Recurrent IVF Failures

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Recurrent IVF Failures

To experience a negative result after undergoing an IVF cycle is disappointing. In cases of recurrent IVF failure this can be particularly distressing. At Apex IVF centre we can assist by investigating the likely causes of repeated unsuccessful assisted conception treatment.

We offer various tests aimed to identify the cause of implantation failure. These tests can be broadly grouped into four categories.

  • Immune testing
  • Infection screening
  • Assessment of Uterine Cavity
  • Karyotyping

Based on the results of these tests, we can offer the supportive treatment pertinent to each individual with a view to help you conceive successfully.

Pregnancy rate following one cycle of IVF and ET can be as high as 60%. But even in the very successful units, some couples fail repeatedly. The causes for repeated implantation failure (RIF) may be because of reduced endometrial receptivity, embryonic defects or multifactorial causes. Various uterine pathologies, such as thin endometrium, altered expression of adhesive molecules and immunological factors, may decrease endometrial receptivity, whereas genetic abnormalities of the male or female, sperm defects, embryonic aneuploidy or zona hardening are among the embryonic reasons for failure of implantation. Endometriosis and hydrosalpinges may adversely influence both.

We at our centre do hysteroscopy, myomectomy, endometrial stimulation, salpingectomy for hydrosalpinges, tailoring stimulation protocols, Blastocyst transfer treatment of immune factors & HCG prior to ET for such repeated failures.


A blastocyst transfer is the transfer of an embryo from the laboratory to the uterus at Day 5 of development, instead of Day 3. it is one way of selecting the embryo or embryos most likely to survive and implant, giving a better chance of pregnancy. To appreciate the difference two extra days can make to an embryo, first you need to understand a little about early embryo development.

The first week...

As the embryo grows, it undergoes cleavage, where the cell divides into smaller cells call blastomeres. After 2 days, the embryo will consist of 4-8 blastomeres. At this poing it is impossible to tell which embryos are most likely to survive and develop normally. After about 3 days, when the embryo consists of 12-16 blastomeres, the cells begin to compact, forming a morula. This is the stage at which the embryo would normally enter the uterus, where it floats for a day or two before attaching to the lining of the uteru


By watching the embryo develop to the blastocyst stage, the embryologists can have a better idea of which embryos are most likely to be healthy and continue to develop. One of the factors that decides an embryo's fate is whether or not it has enough energy for the first week of development.Choosing the healthiest 5-day-old embryos and transferring them just before they would normally implant has given us the best success rates yet. Ultimately, our goal is to have such high success rates that only one blastocyst will need to be transferred in each cycle for a good chance at pregnancy.

We often recommend blastocyst transfers for couples who have had a number of unsuccessful attempts.

Neupogen (Filgrastim ) for Recurring Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage

Neupogen (filgrastim) is a drug that causes the body to generate neutrophils, a type of white blood cell which plays an important role in the immune system. Our clinic has investigated its use in fertility treatment as a solution to certain immunologic causes of multiple miscarriages. It has often proven successful when other options failed. You may benefit from using Neupogen if you have experienced recurrent miscarriages after failed IVIG or LIT and if you meet specific criteria for treatment. The drug is also useful in many cases for the purpose of improving egg quality or improving the tissues of the uterine lining.

Intrauterine HCG

The intrauterine injection of HCG before embryo transfer showed a significant increase in the clinical pregnancy rate. At our centre we practice it specially in recurrent failures with high success rates.

Leading the Way in Medical Excellence.


  •   Call Us: +91 91680 39000, +91 82229-66666, 01666-226888
  •   Apex Hospital, Circular Road, Sirsa, Haryana, India-125055


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